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Devlet Opera ve Bale

Conductor, pianist and composer was born in a family of opera artists in Turkmenistan. He graduated in Piano at the Turkmen National Conservatory and bolstered his success as a soloist winning the state Frederic Chopin Competition and Presidential Art Competition “Golden Age” award.

The noticeable artists that he collaborated with include Guy Braunstein, Naoko Shimizu, Monia Rizkallah, Sergio Azzolini, Maurice Steger, Christoph Sietzen, Ithzak Rashkovsky, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Ilya Kaler, Sergey Ostrovsky, Gürer Aykal, Gülsin Onay and Bülent Evcil.

Rahmedov conducted Presidential Symphony Orchestra (Turkey), Sarajevo, Philharmonic Orchestra (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bishkek Metropoliten Symphony Orchestra (Kyrgyzstan), Mersin Opera House Symphony Orchestra (Turkey), Karsiyaka Chamber Orchestra (Turkey), Eskishehir Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra (Turkey) and Bilkent Youth Symphony Orchestra (Turkey).

He also continues an active career as a pianist, performing and giving masterclasses extensively in Turkey, Europe, Asia and the USA. Rahmedov is a conductor and guest pianist of the Keshet Elion International String Mastercourse (Israel).

Completing his Master of Art degree in Conducting, Rahmedov was an assistant conductor of the Bilkent Youth Symphony Orchestra (2018-2020) and faculty member of the Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey.

In recognition of his contribution to the promotion of Abay Kunanbayev Rahmedov was awarded the Abay Medal along with a plaquette within the framework of the Year of Abay Kunanbayev 2020 declared by TURKSOY.

He was the conductor of the Mersin State Opera and Ballet Orchestra between 2022-2023.

Currently Rustam Rahmedov is a conductor of the Ankara State Opera and Ballet House (Turkey).

Opera and ballet productions:

G. Verdi “Rigoletto” (2022)

G. Verdi “La Traviata” (2023)

F. Lehar “Die lustige Witwe” (2022)

P. Tchaikovsky “Sleeping beauty” (2022)

L. Minkus “Don Quixote” (2022)

G. Puccini “Madame Butterfly” (2023)

Ü. Hacıbeyli “Arşın mal alan” (2024)

G. Donizetti “L’elisir d’amore” (2024)

A. Borodin “Prince Igor” (2024)