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Devlet Opera ve Bale

He was born in 1986 in Araklı/Trabzon. After completing his primary education in Adana, he won the exam of Adana Anatolian Fine Arts High School Music Department in 1999. In 2003, he passed the exam of Abant Izzet Baysal University, Department of Fine Arts, Department of Music Teaching. During his four-year education, he continued his major singing education with Dr. A. Muhip ŞANAL and graduated from the same department in 2007

Between 2006-2007, he worked as a chorist and soloist in Gazi Academic Choir under the direction of Prof. Suna ÇEVİK

In 2007, he passed the exam of Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, Fine Arts Education Deparment, Music Education Division and started his master's degree on singing education. He continued his education with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tülin MALKOÇ and Istanbul State Opera and Ballet Singing Pedagogue Licinio MONTEFUSCO

In 2010, he completed his master's degree by defending his thesis titled 'The Usability of Piano Accompanied Folk Songs Arranged for Bassbaritone Voices in Voice Education'

In 2007-2008, he worked as a lecturer in Voice Education (Singing) at Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts, Department of Music Education.

In 2008, he started to work as a chorus artist (bassbaritone) at Mersin State Opera and Ballet. He took part in many works and concerts as a soloist artist. He still continues to work as a chorus artist at Mersin State Opera and Ballet Directorate